The 2020 season is almost over and we wish to thank all our bamboo farmer partners for our best year so far. Thanks also to all associates that joined and made this success possible, we are now almost 300 in the United States!
Our visionary partners made this possible… and we are looking to harvest some close to 265,000Lbs of fresh USA grown bamboo shoots in 2021.
We have orders for fresh shoots in 8 states for potentially 20 to 40 times what we can supply next season, so please help us to build this industry.
The bamboo biochar factory is very close and as soon as we have the final deal arranged, we will make an announcement, maybe the most important of our organization.
TEXAS AND CALIFORNIA are the new things on our radar and so many opportunities are available in these locations! ed!!
Texas : our new hub/center in Mc Allen is aiming to plant 200 acres in spring 2021. Contact our corporate office at 954 530 3385 for more info.